Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Yesterday on Desayunos Informales, my dear @ analia maty , one of the best journalists in Uruguay, had a nice exchange with the justificatory Fernando Pereira.


 Diego Ⓜ️oreira 🇺🇾
Ayer en Desayunos Informales, mi querida , una de las mejores periodistas del Uruguay, tuvo un lindo cruce con el justificólogo Fernando Pereira. Si un frenteamplista viola las normas, entonces está bien visto. Pero si lo hace un blanco, colorado o un cabildante, ahí que le caiga todo el peso de la ley. Así son los frentistas, justificando lo injustificable.
Yesterday on Desayunos Informales, my dear , one of the best journalists in Uruguay, had a nice exchange with the justificatory Fernando Pereira. If a Frente Amplio member violates the rules, then it is well regarded. But if a Blanco, Colorado or a council member does it, then the full weight of the law falls on them. That's how the protesters are, justifying the unjustifiable.

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