Thursday, October 17, 2024



Robert Silva
1. Hay una campaña sucia y de enchastre contra , en redes sociales (youtube) que gasta miles de dolares para dañar la imagen del candidato e impedir que pase al ballotage. 2. ⁠Mediante la cuenta de transparencia de google se verificó que la cuenta de donde se emiten los mensajes es una empresa argentina del socio y colaborador del asesor del candidato Yamandu Orsi, Mario Riorda. 3. La cuenta desde donde se publicita fake new y guerra sucia contra Ojeda tambien publicita spot oficiales de la campaña de Orsi y videos promocionales de su Asesor de campaña, Mario Riorda. 4. Orsi confirma que Mario Riorda es su asesor integrando el comando de campaña. 5. Tras la denuncia de Ojeda el asesor de Orsi, Mario Riorda, borra sus redes sociales y abandona Uruguay como han publicado varios medios. 5. ⁠Andres Ojeda anuncia que presentará una denuncia ante la fiscalía. Ante estos hechos claros y contundentes debe dar alguna explicación. ¿Habló con su asesor? ¿Qué le dijo? ¿Estaba en Uruguay y se fue? ¿Actuará como siempre lo hace el levantando la voz, ignorando los hechos y denigrando a quien los pone en evidencia?
1. There is a dirty and smear campaign against , on social networks (youtube) that spends thousands of dollars to damage the candidate's image and prevent him from going to the runoff. 2. ⁠ Through the Google transparency account it was verified that the account from which the messages are issued is an Argentine company of the partner and collaborator of the advisor to the candidate Yamandu Orsi, Mario Riorda. 3. The account from which fake news and dirty war against Ojeda are advertised also advertises official spots of Orsi's campaign and promotional videos of his campaign advisor, Mario Riorda. 4. Orsi confirms that Mario Riorda is his advisor and is part of the campaign command. 5. Following Ojeda's complaint, Orsi's advisor, Mario Riorda, deletes his social networks and leaves Uruguay, as several media have reported. 5. ⁠ Andres Ojeda announces that he will file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. Given these clear and compelling facts must give some explanation. Did you speak to your advisor? What did he say? Were you in Uruguay and then you left? Will the act as it always does, raising its voice, ignoring the facts and denigrating those who expose them?

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