Friday, October 11, 2024

YEAR 2053 BY LEON LEGAZCUE- #"My great-grandfather was a Spanish-Uruguayan philosopher and writer. I didn't know him.' Amil Emmanuel,2053- ....... My great-grandson. "I write only for you. You're not a glass cup that breaks when you blow by a lake. You're a lion with wings, You are the best of my grandchildren. ---- "We have all disappeared and the wind floods everything with leaves and drizzle. Amilcar Leon Legazcue Short stories for adults, With Orlando Vicente on Amazon



 #"Mi bisabuelo era un filosofo escritor hispano uruguayo.

No lo conoci'.

Amil Emmanuel,2053-


Mi bisnieto.

"Escribo solo para ti.

No eres una copa de vidrio que se quiebre al soplar,

 junto a un lago.

Eres un leon con alas,

Eres el mejor de mis nietos.


"Hemos desaparecido todos y el viento inunda todo de hojas y llovizna.

Amilcar Leon Legazcue

Cuentos breves para adultos,

Con Orlando Vicente en Amazon

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