Daniel Peyran, artista y maestro de teatro, en contra de los demás artistas que piden ser subsidiados...
- "La patria está en peligro, no no son unos caraduras...los conozco a todos, chantas, mentirosos... SAGAI es una mentira, SAGAI es privado, no se va a tocar...los peronistas son golpistas...es un cáncer, es una enfermedad que hay que extirparla...harto, podrido de vivir bajo de esta amenaza constante de estos ignorantes, mercenarios y fanáticos, eso es lo que son..."
Daniel Peyran, artist and theater teacher, against the other artists who ask to be subsidized...
- "The country is in danger, no, they are not stupid... I know them all, blackmailers, liars... SAGAI is a lie, SAGAI is private, it will not be touched... the Peronists are coup plotters.. .it is a cancer, it is a disease that must be removed... fed up, rotten of living under this constant threat from these ignorant, mercenary and fanatics, that is what they are..."
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