by Dr ORLANDO VICENTE ALVAREZ cuban uruguayan ,genius .guantanamero. Diploma in Christian anthropology of Spain. Doctor.Urologist. Volunteer in Caritas.Uruguay,Cuba,Nicaragua.REMEMBER,VICENTE.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
These are Valeria Ripoll and Darío Pérez, who from the D Centro sector join the pre-candidacy of the nationalist Álvaro Delgado. In the case of Darío Pérez, 67 years old, he is an eternal Broad Front leader, who was a deputy on several occasions and is a well-known leader in the Department of Maldonado, in which he was a candidate for mayor several times, although he never won. In the case of Valeria Ripoll ( @Valeriaripoll3 ), 41
Se trata de Valeria Ripoll y de Darío Pérez, quien desde el sector de D Centro se suman a la precandidatura del nacionalista Álvaro Delgado. En el caso de Darío Pérez, de 67 años, es un eterno dirigente frenteamplista, que fue diputado en varias oportunidades y es un dirigente muy conocido en el Departamento de Maldonado, en el cual fue varias veces candidato a intendente, aunque nunca ganó.
En el caso de Valeria Ripoll (
), de 41 años, fue sindicalista de ADEOM, el sindicato de funcionarios de la intendencia de Montevideo. Incluso, tuvo militancia en el Partido Comunista. Actualmente tanto Pérez como Ripoll se han nucleado en un sector blanco para apoyar la precandidatura presidencial de Delgado de cara a las elecciones internas de junio de este año.
Álvaro Delgado tiene una estrategia de captar votos centristas y de desencantados del Frente Amplio.
Translated from Spanish by
These are Valeria Ripoll and Darío Pérez, who from the D Centro sector join the pre-candidacy of the nationalist Álvaro Delgado. In the case of Darío Pérez, 67 years old, he is an eternal Broad Front leader, who was a deputy on several occasions and is a well-known leader in the Department of Maldonado, in which he was a candidate for mayor several times, although he never won.
In the case of Valeria Ripoll (
), 41 years old, she was a union member of ADEOM, the union of officials of the mayor of Montevideo. He was even active in the Communist Party. Currently, both Pérez and Ripoll have gathered in a white sector to support Delgado's presidential candidacy ahead of the internal elections in June of this year.
Álvaro Delgado has a strategy of capturing centrist votes and those disenchanted with the Frente Amplio.
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