Sunday, September 20, 2020

FUTBOL SOCCER EL CUBANO ORLANDO VICENTE MUY URUGUAYO Y ARGENTINO."Este deporte es la única religión en que nos entendemos todos. No demonice el deporte como todo lo que haces: una cagada.--------- SOCCER SOCCER ORLANDO VICENTE VERY URUGUAYAN AND ARGENTINE. "This sport is the only religion in which we all understand each other. Do not demonize sport like everything you do: a shit.-


TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2018



   It was a huge Roman Amphitheater where all of humanity could be found, located throughout the Northern Hemisphere. And it was going to produce a great event: a very special game.
   The players were San Toribio, San Juan Bosco and San Jorge. The three had to throw penalties to the goalkeeper - there was only one court - to goalkeeper San Maradona. Whoever scored the most goals would become the Holy Official of World Soccer.
    Santa Fefa was the treasurer with thousands of suitcases full of Euros and Dollars. The referee: Angel Gabriel with his two wings could blow the whistle and display red or yellow cards. He had good eyesight and flew alone as an Angel does.
   The amphitheater was full and all countries with their different religions were present. The three Saints came out onto the lawn.
    First, San Juan Bosco scored a goal. The public raised a shout of joy that made God wake up from their morning nap. Then it was San Toribio's turn and he scored, the town raved, as did San Jorge. San Maradona could not cope with so many goals.
   In the end the three Saints were tied. The vacancy of the Saint of Soccer was vacant.
   Then the Devil intervened and shouted:
  -As I have a lot, a lot, money, I'm going to invest in these players.
    Santa Fefa made a nod of agreement. But a spokesman for the people - I think it was Chinese or Korean said:
  -That nothing Satan. This sport is the only religion in which we all understand each other. Do not demonize sport like everything you do: a shit.



   Era un Anfiteatro Romano descomunal donde cabía  toda la humanidad, situado en todo el Hemisferio Norte. Y se  iba a producir un gran evento: un juego muy especial.
   Los jugadores eran San Toribio, San Juan Bosco y  San Jorge. Los tres tenían que lanzarle penales al portero- existía una sola cancha-  al portero San Maradona. El que anotara más goles se convertiría en el Santo oficial del Futbol mundial.
    Santa Fefa era la tesorera con miles de maletas repletas de Euros y Dólares. El árbitro: el Ángel Gabriel con sus dos alas podía soplar el silbato y exhibir tarjetas rojas o amarillas. Tenía buena vista y volaba solo como lo  hace un Ángel.
   El anfiteatro estaba  lleno y todos los países con sus diferentes religiones estaban presentes. Salieron los tres Santos al césped.
    Primero, San Juan Bosco anoto un gol. El público elevo un grito de alegría que hizo despertar a Dios de su siesta matinal. Después le tocó el turno a San Toribio y anotó, el pueblo deliró, lo mismo que San Jorge. San Maradona no daba abasto con tantos goles.
   Al final quedaron empatados  los tres Santos. La vacante  del Santo del Futbol quedó vacante.
   Entonces intervino el Diablo y grito:
  -Como yo tengo mucho, mucho, dinero voy a invertir en estos jugadores.
    Santa Fefa hizo un ademan de asentimiento. Pero un portavoz del pueblo- creo que era chino o coreano dijo:

  -De eso nada Satanás. Este deporte es la única religión en que  nos entendemos todos. No demonice el deporte como todo lo que haces: una cagada.


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