Monday, August 9, 2021





    When I was doing my residency in my specialty in the first months, they declared Guantánamo as the venue for the celebration of the national act for one more anniversary of the assault on the Moncada or July 26 garrison. The head of my specialty department sent me to take care of a congregation of mature militia men as a doctor.
     It was a Basic High School of those that the regime built throughout the island to separate the children from the parents and remove them from the family education they received, even a traditional type, and not the Marxist-Leninist with teaching the Russian language and everything else.
    They assigned me an ambulance with a nice old driver who told me that all the high schools in the countryside were free of students to house all those communist militiamen brought from different cities in Cuba. Not even at this point did the Commander forget to offer the propaganda that all the people supported him.
   I came to school with good spirits and a sense of humor. I was assigned to the infirmary which was bare - just cotton and a bit of gauze. After I was installed, a group of young women in civilian clothes came and told me that they were members of the support group for the Commander. They brought me all the necessary medical supplies: scissors, kosher tweezers, suture thread, needles, alcohol. Etc. and several jars with lids where I had to collect samples from breakfast, lunch and dinner in case massive diarrhea or food poisoning were declared, investigate in the corresponding jars that I had to keep in a refrigerator.
    That night the officers who led the contingent arrived, all mature. When it came to giving the trendy Mexican novel that had everyone glued to their televisions for an hour, they first discussed among themselves whether I could enter an office with a color television with them or not. I had to watch the novel with the poor militiamen on black and white TV.
   The next day
That night the officers who led the contingent arrived, all mature. When it came to giving the trendy Mexican novel that had everyone glued to their televisions for an hour, they first discussed among themselves whether I could enter an office with a color television with them or not. I had to watch the novel with the poor militiamen on black and white TV.
   The next day: Castro's speech and in the front row all the militia men and women who were in all the secondary schools in the province. And how they applauded every forceful phrase of the Supreme Chief. And me staring at the black and white television.
   The Secretary of the PCC who had Guantánamo for centuries was eliminated for another, just like that, without consulting with the people or making elections - the truth was that the people were already rotten from the old and were vox populi of their farm in the intricacies of a mount where a mansion with swimming pool and exotic animals and birds was built.
    When it was all over the crowd dispersed and the militiamen returned to the High School, hungry and thirsty. After they satiated some buses came and they all left. We were left with the ambulance driver, a very young white recruit, and me.
   The recruit entered the kitchen and called me:
   -Come see this!
   What I saw filled me with awe. Dozens of pigs killed, skinned, gutted and about to be cooked. Round cheeses, legs of hams hanging with hooks from the ceiling. Things I hadn't seen in years.
    - We are going to take one of each of these things for our families.
    "And the ambulance driver?" I said.
    - Good. Agree.
    It seemed that everyone had dropped out of school. So we loaded two piglets for the ambulance, slices of cheese and a whole ham for each. The driver was happy with that wealth that fell from the sky and all with the support of the two of us.
    I left the recruit who was looking for a jeep apparently to carry whatever would fit in the provision that Castro had inadvertently placed on our position.
     The ambulance guy took me to my house and we went through the garage so no one would snoop on our cargo. When the driver left and my wife saw all of that booty she said:

    Fidel wanted to benefit his faithful clapping seals and he does not know that he gave us a gift, albeit a stolen one, to some who did not agree with his chatter.ORLANDO VICENTE CUBA



    Cuando yo estaba haciendo la residencia en mi especialidad en los primeros meses declararon a Guantánamo como sede de la celebración del acto nacional por un aniversario más del asalto al cuartel Moncada o 26 de Julio. El jefe del departamento de mi especialidad me envió a cuidar como médico a una congregación de hombres maduros milicianos.
     Era una Secundaria Básica de esas que construyó el régimen por toda la isla para separar  a los hijos de los padres y sustraerlos  de la educación familiar que recibían, aun tipo tradicional, y no la Marxista-Leninista con enseñanza del idioma Ruso y todo lo demás
    Me asignaron una ambulancia con un chofer viejo y amable que me dijo que todas las secundarias en el campo estaban libres de alumnos para albergar a todos aquellos milicianos comunistas traídos de diferentes ciudades de Cuba. Ni  de este punto se olvidaba el Comandante para ofrecer la propaganda que todo el pueblo lo apoyaba.
   Yo llegué a la escuela con buen talante y sentido del humor. Me asignaron la enfermería que estaba pelada-solo algodón y un poco de gaza. Después de instalarme vinieron un grupo de mujeres jóvenes vestidas de civil y me dijeron que eran miembros del grupo de apoyo al Comandante. Me trajeron todos los insumos médicos que hacían  falta: tijeras, pinzas Kosher, hilo para suturar, agujas, alcohol. Etc. y varios frascos con tapa donde yo debía recoger muestras del desayuno, almuerzo y cena por si se declaraba una diarrea masiva o intoxicación alimentaria, investigar en los frascos correspondientes que debía guardar en un frízer.
    Esa noche llegaron los oficiales que dirigían al contingente, todos maduros. A la hora de dar la novela mexicana de moda que tenía a todo el mundo pegado a sus televisores por una hora, primero discutieron entre ellos si yo podía entrar con ellos a una oficina con televisor a color o no. Tuve que ver la novela junto a los pobres milicianos en tv blanco y negro.
   Al día siguiente: el discurso de Castro y en primera fila todos los hombres y mujeres milicianas que estaban en todas las secundarias de la provincia. Y cómo aplaudían cada frase contundente del Jefe Supremo. Y yo mirando por el televisor blanco y negro.
   Al Secretario del PCC que tenía Guantánamo hacia siglos lo eliminaron por otro, así no más, sin consultar con el pueblo ni hacer elecciones-lo cierto era que el pueblo ya estaba podrido del antiguo y era vox populi de su finca en lo intrincado de un monte donde se construyó una mansión con piscina y animales y aves exóticos.
    Cuando terminó todo se desperdigó la muchedumbre y los milicianos  volvieron a la Secundaria, hambrientos y sedientos. Después de saciarse vinieron unos ómnibus y todos se marcharon. Quedamos el chofer de la ambulancia, un recluta blanco muy joven y yo.
   El recluta entró a la cocina y me llamó:
   -¡Ven a ver a esto!
   Lo que vi me llenó de asombro. Decenas de cerdos muertos, peladas, destripados y a punto de ser cocinados. Quesos redondos, piernas de jamones colgando con ganchos del techo. Cosas que yo no había visto por años.
    - Vamos a llevarnos uno de cada una de estas cosas para nuestras familias.
    -¿Y al chofer de la ambulancia?-le dije yo.
    - Bueno. De acuerdo.
    Parecia que todo el mundo había abandonado la escuela. Así que cargamos dos lechones para la ambulancia, rodajas de queso y un jamón entero para cada uno. El chofer contento con aquella riqueza que le caía del cielo y todo con el apoyo de nosotros dos.
    Yo dejé al recluta que buscaba un jeep al parecer para cargar con todo lo que cupiera de la provisión que Castro había puesto sin querer a nuestra posición.
     El de la ambulancia me llevó a mi casa y entramos por el garaje para que nadie fisgoneara nuestra carga. Cuando el chofer se marchó y mi esposa vio todo a aquel botín dijo:

    Fidel quiso beneficiar a sus fieles focas aplaudidoras y no sabe que nos hizo un regalo, aunque robado, a unos que no estaban de acuerdo con su cháchara.   

mas en

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