Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ignacio Ruglio, president of Peñarol, on the reception of the fans and the CONMEBOL fines: “I am happy to pay the fine for the reception we received. I told the vice president that we are going to take this as a marketing investment. All of America is talking about our reception.”


ext Libertadores
🗣️ Ignacio Ruglio, presidente de Peñarol, sobre el recibimiento de la hinchada y las multas de CONMEBOL: “Feliz de la vida pago la multa por el recibimiento que tuvimos, le dije al vice que vamos a tomar esto como una inversion de marketing. Todo América está hablando de nuestro recibimiento. Mientras se haga sin lastimar a nadie, sin tirar fuego al campo y cuidando al club, bien. Le digo a los hinchas que cuiden a la gente, despues el club paga lo que haya que pagar sin problemas”. ➜ Vía y
🗣️ Ignacio Ruglio, president of Peñarol, on the reception of the fans and the CONMEBOL fines: “I am happy to pay the fine for the reception we received. I told the vice president that we are going to take this as a marketing investment. All of America is talking about our reception.” "As long as it is done without harming anyone, without setting fire to the field and taking care of the club, fine. I tell the fans to take care of the people, then the club will pay whatever has to be paid without any problems." ➜ Via and

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