Saturday, September 14, 2024

Erik Prince: "Maduro has stolen 3 elections, in the last one the opposition won 70% of the votes without allowing people outside the country to vote. It is a Marxist-socialist dictatorship and Venezuelans are eager for the people of the world to help them be free. I asked the Biden Administration to raise the reward on the heads of Maduro and his leaders to 100 million dollars per person and see the magic happen, they have not wanted to, and that they could do it with Venezuelan funds that they have in their possession..."


anuel Rincón
🚨 Erik Prince: "Maduro se ha robado 3 elecciones, en estas últimas la oposición sacó el 70% de los votos sin que pudiese votar la gente afuera del país. Es una dictadura marxista-socialista y los venezolanos están ansiosos de que la gente del mundo les ayude a ser libres. Le pedí a la Administración Biden que subieran la recompensa por la cabeza de Maduro y sus cabecillas a 100 millones de dólares por persona y vieran la magia ocurrir, no han querido, y eso que pudiesen hacerlo con fondos venezolanos que tienen en su poder..."
🚨 Erik Prince: "Maduro has stolen 3 elections, in the last one the opposition won 70% of the votes without allowing people outside the country to vote. It is a Marxist-socialist dictatorship and Venezuelans are eager for the people of the world to help them be free. I asked the Biden Administration to raise the reward on the heads of Maduro and his leaders to 100 million dollars per person and see the magic happen, they have not wanted to, and that they could do it with Venezuelan funds that they have in their possession..."

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