President Diaz-Canel: OJDR, Oligofrénico in chief dominated by Raúl Castro.
PCC: RCDO. Creole and Obedient Royalty.
COUNCIL OF STATE: MAEP: Maximum authority to exploit the people.
CUBAN PARLIAMENT: GDSSLMA: Group with the decision to always say YES and raise the hand Affirmatively.
CDR: CCVVTMN. SQUARE Committees to monitor the neighborhood and traffic freely in the black market.
MINREX: It has several subdivisions, all directed by the State Council.
MODEEC: Ministry of Milking of Foreign Exchange to European or Canadian Foreigners.
MODEEC: Ministry of the Needs of the People with Relatives in Miami and their Remittances of Dollars. NOTE: all end up in pockets of the military hierarchy.
MPFMRD: Ministry to ignore the Cubans who escape either through Guyana, the jungle of Brazil, or into another free country. MICEGBPL.Ministry not to worry about some Cuban entangled in another country and cataloging that they were born in Cuba "by chance" This Ministry does not deal with nationals -except internationalists- who live without naturalizing in another country, other capitalist countries immediately put the cry in heaven when their nationals are in danger.
MPCEP. PROVINCIAL MEDICAL FACULTIES: EFEEMME: Modern slavery training faculties for export.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION: EGACT: General Education of Total Communist Indoctrination.
FAR: GARCLD: Armed Group to suppress any uprising or dissent.
MININT - perhaps the most similar to the Hitlerite Gestapo- MRDCCV: Ministry of Dollar Collection and Counterintelligence in Cuba, Venezuela and other countries.
LTGB: CHDAAM: Homosexual community that paraded without authorization of Mariela Castro. Organization of the bravest of Cuba- The misnamed: Congregacion Ping and that put her boss in a hysterical attack. Also called AGUC: Association of Urban and Peasant Gays.
UJC: FJAROEP: Training of young people for acts of repudiation and seeing how they themselves have an opportunity to escape from the country.
PEOPLE: MIDOM: Reporting mass with double standards, risking leaving the country by any means. A barrel of gunpowder ready to explode.
And so, there is no institution whose name has not been changed in recent years but which in its essence remain the same. The media, especially the Square Table founded by the Carpenter in Chief, will teach the anesthetized masses the new acronyms.
Note all acronyms are in original Spanish
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