Friday, October 18, 2024

IGNACIO ALVAREZ Thanks to the leftist who took on this task, because it is exactly the opposite of what we did in Santo y seña and serves to demonstrate who are the ones who truly play dirty, while they play the victim with speeches bathed in cynical morality. Another difference is that I, besides being loyal, take charge by showing my face, while the bastards hide behind the anonymity of the networks. (Although since the spot against the LUC, as during this entire period, shamelessly and shamefully, FAPIT leaders bombarded the people with false stories that ended, as always, crumbling before the stubborn truth). Because everything is known.


ignacio alvarez
Gracias al zurdo que se tomó este trabajo, porque es exactamente lo contrario a lo que hicimos en Santo y seña y sirve para demostrar quiénes son los que verdaderamente juegan sucio, mientras se victimizan con discursos bañados de cínica moral. Otra diferencia es que yo, además de ser leal, me hago cargo dando la cara, mientras los garcas se esconden tras el anonimato de las redes. (Aunque desde el spot contra la LUC, como durante todo este período, impúdica y vergonzosamente, dirigentes del FAPIT bombardearon al pueblo con relatos falsos que terminaron, como siempre, desmoronándose ante la terca verdad). Porque todo se sabe.
Thanks to the leftist who took on this task, because it is exactly the opposite of what we did in Santo y seña and serves to demonstrate who are the ones who truly play dirty, while they play the victim with speeches bathed in cynical morality. Another difference is that I, besides being loyal, take charge by showing my face, while the bastards hide behind the anonymity of the networks. (Although since the spot against the LUC, as during this entire period, shamelessly and shamefully, FAPIT leaders bombarded the people with false stories that ended, as always, crumbling before the stubborn truth). Because everything is known.

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