Tuesday, March 24, 2020

FREUD .A MI ME FASCINO FREUD. Freud fascinated me. But it was hardly mentioned in the Medicine career. It seems that the Marxist theory of society, psychiatry, etc., did not match the ideas of the Jewish doctor. The Commander-in-Chief Psychiatrist, although he was the first ill patient who had to be given 3 electro shock a day, was explaining about the new Hospital for the mentally ill in Havana, Mazorra, where the madmen were finally happy and radiant. Caballero de Paris ”, a mythical wanderer of the streets of the capital, dressed in a red cape and copious long graying hair, who was already a folkloric figure in the country, hospitalized him in“ Mazorra ”and stripped him of his original clothing and shaved his hair . The people said nothing. They did interviews for Bohemia magazine and said "how good it felt" of course, after the usual 27 electro shock.

A mí me fascinó Freud. Pero casi no se mencionaba en la carrera de Medicina. Parece que la teoría Marxista sobre la sociedad, la psiquiatría, etc., no compaginaba con las ideas del médico judío. El Psiquiatra Comandante en jefe,F, aunque él era el primer paciente enfermo a quien había que darle 3 electro shock al día se explayaba sobre el nuevo Hospital para enfermos mentales de la Habana, Mazorra, donde los locos al fin estaban felices y radiantes  Hasta el “Caballero de Paris” mítico deambulador de las calles de la capital, vestido con capa roja y pelo entrecano copioso largo, que era ya una figura folclórica del país, lo hospitalizaron en “Mazorra” y lo despojaron de su original vestimenta y le raparon el pelo. El pueblo no dijo nada. Le hicieron entrevistas para la revista Bohemia y decía “lo bien que se sentía” claro, después de los consabidos 27 electro shock.


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