Sunday, March 17, 2019



  Now it turns out that Diaz-Canel promises to build dozens of hotels like 7 stars for foreigners with a lot of money and renovate other deteriorated ones when contact with foreigners was forbidden - things about Fidel Castro's paranoiac who saw enemies everywhere, especially feared to the northern empire to foist all the failures of its management-now only the military forbids them to approach foreigners and dollars.

  Well, they are going to build the luxury hotels. The problem is where they will get the millionaires who stay in them, because most still have the sensitivity of seeing a people in hardship and without freedom while they enjoy beautiful beaches and beautiful mulatto and cheap mulattoes. Well, there will always be some without conscience.

  And at the time it is being built in Cuba, they will be ready by 2050. 

  Another promise at a time when the people are moaning over the prevailing situation of shortages. Common Thing in Cuban Communism: placate the people in times of crisis.Diaz-Canel also said that the problem of housing in Cuba will be resolved within 10 years. But how? If in 60 years of communism and the help of the Soviet Union they did not solve this problem, now, with almost no resources for construction -the ones that are stolen by the people of the warehouses- they will finish hundreds of thousands of houses in 10 years. Who believes it?

   For the peasant town with Baraguá bananas with Fidel fried in coconut oil and Martí, I do not know how they will serve HIM if with rice or soybean oil when it appears. Poor apostle. If he saw the lies that communism brandished in his name, he would die again. Our most precious patriot.

  The military hierarchies have their life insured mostly with products of the empire. They are the ones who manage the currencies left by tourism because in the laity they do not trust. So they can handle the dollars at their whim, total, they do not have to tell the people how they handle the currencies. They do not lack anything to those who have always been of a different caste to the people because the lower class bread and egg like everyone else and when there is.

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