La Silenciosa Victoria de Milei
Hoy, la oposición celebró una supuesta victoria. Marcharon convencidos de haber respondido con fuerza y de haber desafiado el discurso de Davos. Se creen ganadores, pero en su reacción cayeron en la trampa más evidente, confirmando todo lo apuntado por el Presidente punto a punto.
El presidente denunció un lobby ideológico que, lejos de buscar igualdad, impone su agenda con agresividad y victimismo. Y hoy, con su marcha, con su indignación prefabricada, hicieron exactamente eso. En su afán por refutarlo, no hicieron más que darle la razón.
Su "triunfo" no es más que una respuesta predecible, orquestada por quienes no pueden existir sin un enemigo imaginario. Y esa es nuestra victoria: los obligamos a reaccionar solo a lo que queremos que crean, solo en los términos que les imponemos. Mientras ellos juegan su teatro de la resistencia, la Nueva Argentina sigue avanzando, libre de sus imposiciones y mentiras.
Hoy ganamos, y ni siquiera lo notaron.
Milei's Silent Victory
Today, the opposition celebrated a supposed victory. They marched convinced that they had responded with force and that they had challenged the Davos speech. They believe themselves to be winners, but in their reaction they fell into the most obvious trap, confirming everything pointed out by the President point by point.
The president denounced an ideological lobby that, far from seeking equality, imposes its agenda with aggression and victimhood. And today, with their march, with their prefabricated indignation, they did exactly that. In their eagerness to refute him, they did nothing but agree with him.
Their "victory" is nothing more than a predictable response, orchestrated by those who cannot exist without an imaginary enemy. And that is our victory: we force them to react only to what we want them to believe, only on the terms we impose on them. While they play out their theater of resistance, the New Argentina continues to advance, free of their impositions and lies.
Today we won, and they didn't even notice.
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