Tuesday, October 29, 2019

INFILTRATION IN LATIN AMERICA RED TANGO SPIES : LEFT WAVE MADURO: the russian Guarddaves and Infi... LEFT WAVE MADURO: the russian Guarddaves and Infiltrated cuban military.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 INFILTRATION IN LATIN AMERICA RED TANGO SPIES : LEFT WAVE MADURO: the russian Guarddaves and Infi... 

MADURO: the russian Guarddaves and Infiltrated cuban military.


  It seems that the auto proclaimed "President of Venezuela" has hired hundreds of Russians-ex-soldiers of the glorious Soviet army, former members of the KGB and other adventure hustlers, who for hundreds of thousands of dollars a day have to take care of the president up to a spine on the stem of a flower that can dig into hisr skin.

  I think Maduro already feels "ripe" like a fruit or rotten about to fall to the ground. But these modern tiranazuelos currently never fall "down" Before, they take out of their bank accounts-God knows what bank-and when the end is inevitable, they take their private plane with all the gold and bills that have swiped the people and they live in a country as totalitarian as theirs: be it Cuba, North Korea or Iran.

  And there to enjoy the good life that denied it to their own people. And to the Russian mercenaries: take the money and you never saw me.But not only Russian mercenaries have hired. For years it has thousands of Cuban military members of the Ministry of the Interior or the Armed Forces very well camouflaged far from the people but near Maduro and his henchmen.

   They advise the Venezuelan military and teach tactics on how to repress the people. And no longer for the so-called "Proletarian Internationalism". Now it is for a payment in dollars or for economic interests that even Cuba aspires to exploit in Venezuela. The same as they used to accuse the northern empire. USA knows this very well, but it seems that Cuba is taking them out little by little because the regime is watering everywhere and does not want to antagonize other countries and the investments that will reach Cuba.

   Another utopia that Diaz-Canel gives us to see if the Cuban people tighten their belts - there are no holes left to take the belt to the limit - and wait and wait for an opening that will never take place while Communism prevails on the island.

  For now, the CQC, that diabolical invention of the Cuban government so that they do not touch a dollar bill with their hands - some sectors of the population that receive remittances from abroad - before and now they are told that they had "been born in Cuba by mistake. "-The majority of Cubans in exile and almost all of them inside the island remain silent for fear of being denied entry to the country where they were born. To those who are still on the island, silence, in case you are denied a trip abroad where most of them ask for asylum.

  The Cubans who have recently come to the southern hemisphere do not talk about politics, they remain silent when they touch the issue and they lodge another opposition Cuban, they also feel the fear inscribed in their minds that any Cuban around can be a spy member of the communist regime.

   Until that has come the terror and fear planted in Cuba for years. It has disunited the Cubans and the brotherhood of the islanders, thanks to the communist regime.Poor Diaz-Canel, has read the countless speeches of Fidel of the 70s or 80s - the president left us with something oligophrenic because nothing original has occurred to him - but the dollars have no ideology and constantly flow into the coffers of the hierarchs Cubans who do not give any account to the people of how that money is invested.

  Another one of the "transparency" that the new constitution  to be approved by the prople soon.

  While the people of Venezuela swallows their tears and hopes that the world will be sorry for them.But our Spanish ancestors were like that. They held and held until someone outside took the chestnuts out of the fire.At least the Venezuelans take to the streets to protest.

  What would happen to us Cubans if we did?There's the police and the army. They are many decades of indoctrination and silence. But hope is in the new generation, which has caught the taste of capitalism and consumerism. At least, desideologizados, will be launched into the streets to fight with their hands, even in exchange for a cowboy Levi's or Adidas Tennis or Nike.


MADURO: Los Guardaespaldas Rusos e Infiltrados cubanos.

Image result for maduro fotos


   Parece que el auto proclamado “Presidente de Venezuela”  ha contratado a cientos de rusos-ex militares del glorioso ejército soviético, ex miembros de la KGB  y otros buscavidas de aventuras, que por cientos de miles de dólares diarios tienen que cuidar al mandatario hasta de una espina del tallo de una  flor que pueda clavarse en su piel.

   Creo que Maduro ya se siente “madurito” como una fruta o podrida a punto de caer al suelo. Pero estos tiranazuelos modernos actualmente nunca caen “hacia abajo” Antes, sacan de sus cuentas bancaria-sabrá Dios de qué banco- y cuando el final es inevitable, toman su avión privado con todo el oro y billetes que le han birlado al pueblo y se asilan en algún país tan totalitario como el suyo: sea Cuba, Corea del Norte o Irán.

  Y ahí a disfrutar la buena vida que les negó a su propio pueblo. Y a los mercenarios rusos: tomen la plata y ustedes nunca me vieron.

  Pero no solo mercenarios  rusos ha contratado. Desde hace años tiene miles de cubanos militares miembros del Ministerio del Interior o  de la Fuerzas Armadas muy bien camuflados lejos del pueblo pero cerca de Maduro y sus secuaces. Asesoran a los militares venezolanos y le enseñan  tácticas de cómo reprimir al pueblo. Y ya no más por el llamado "Internacionalismo Proletario". Ahora es por un pago en dólares o por intereses económicos que aun Cuba aspira a explotar en Venezuela. Lo mismo de que antes acusaban al imperio del norte. 

   USA lo sabe muy bien, pero parece que Cuba los está sacando de a poco porque el régimen hace agua  por todas partes y no quiere enemistarse con otros países y las inversiones que llegarán a Cuba.         Otra utopía que nos regala Diaz-Canel para ver si el pueblo cubano se aprieta más el cinto- ya no quedan orificios para llevar el cinto al límite- y espera y espera una apertura que nunca se producirá mientras el Comunismo impere en la isla.

  Por ahora, los CQC, ese invento diabólico del gobierno cubano para que este ni roce con las manos un billete de dólar- algunos sectores de la población que reciben remesas del extranjero- antes y ahora se les dice que habían “nacido en Cuba por equivocación”-

   La mayoría de cubanos del exilio y casi todos dentro de la isla permanecen callados por miedo a que les nieguen la entrada al país donde nacieron. A los que aún están en la isla, silencio, por si le niegan un viaje al extranjero donde la mayoría piden asilo.

  Los cubanos que han venido últimamente al hemisferio sur no hablan de política, permanecen callados cuando se les toca el tema y se alojan de otro cubano opositor, también sienten el miedo inscripto en sus mentes que cualquier cubano alrededor puede ser miembro espía del régimen comunista. Hasta eso ha llegado el terror y el miedo sembrado en Cuba durante años. Ha desunido la cubanidad y la hermandad de los isleños, gracias al régimen comunista.

El pobre Diaz-Canel, se ha leído los incontables discursos de Fidel de los años 70 u 80 – el presidente nos salió algo oligofrénico pues nada original se le ha ocurrido-pero los dólares no tienen ideología y fluyen constantemente a las arcas de los jerarcas cubanos que no dan cuenta ninguna al pueblo de cómo se invierte ese  dinero.

  Otra de las “transparencia” que aduce la nueva constitución a aprobar por el pueblo próximamente.
Mientras el pueblo de Venezuela se traga sus lágrimas y espera que el mundo se conduele de ellos.

  Pero nuestros ancestros españoles eran así. Aguantaban y aguantaban hasta que alguien de afuera les sacara las castañas del fuego.

  Al menos los venezolanos salen  a las  calles a protestar.

  ¿Qué nos pasaría a nosotros los cubanos si lo hiciéramos?

  Ahí está la policía y el ejército. Son muchas décadas de adoctrinamiento y silencio. Pero la esperanza se encuentra en la nueva generación, que le ha cogido sabor al capitalismo y al consumismo. Al menos, desideologizados, se lanzarán a las calles para luchar con sus manos,  aunque  sea a cambio de un vaquero Levi’s o Tenis Adidas o Nike.   

Cubano uruguayo

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

WHAT THE WIND SPUMES This dawn woke me a dream of a memory of almost 40 years. His eyes were full of tears and a sense of wasted time gone, like scenes that fade into a dense fog and disappear.

WHAT THE WIND SPUMES      This dawn woke me a dream of a memory of almost 40 years. His eyes were full of tears and a sense of wasted time gone, like scenes that fade into a dense fog and disappear. They were companions of the Preuniversity.    With their blue skirts uniforms and the ribbons that adhered to them according to the year, girls and boys paraded as they were in their youth.    I was on the steps of the Pre and watched as some of the friends and friends walked towards the mist and vanished.    I could identify Arlen or Carlota my beautiful friend on whose balcony of her house we discussed Freud and Heminguey, the Cisneros with her eternal vigilant mother - tall with adorable legs - Margarita, Izet, discreet and intelligent, Laila the crazy, Nelly Fernandez Mafú with her beautiful hieratic face whom I loved in silence, Mechi, my friend Loforte, my other partner Philip, black and tall, the male Pilots and others.    Then I began to reflect on the dream. It was the scene of our glorious youth gone forever. From our best stage of life in which existence seemed like a lawn where we wallowed among flowers full of happiness.   Now those times remain in the memory. Scattered throughout the world, my companions still suffer the tearing of exile even though they have already settled with their families in new lands.   That's why he cried. For the times gone that dragged me to a glorious past that the wind carried away.   We were so happy and we didn't realize.                         DR      ORLAND VICENTE ÁLVAREZ

cuban uruguayan genius

. Diseminados por el mundo mis compañeros sufren aun el desgarramiento del exilio aunque ya se hayan asentado con sus familias en nuevas tierras. Por eso lloraba. Por los tiempos idos que me arrastraban a un pasado glorioso que el viento se llevó. Eramos tan felices y no nos dabamos cuenta. DR ORLAND VICENTE ÁLVAREZ

. Diseminados por el mundo mis compañeros sufren aun el desgarramiento del exilio aunque ya se hayan asentado con sus familias en nuevas tierras.
  Por eso lloraba. Por los tiempos idos que me arrastraban a un pasado glorioso que el viento  se llevó.
  Eramos tan felices y no nos dabamos cuenta.

                           DR   ORLAND VICENTE ÁLVAREZ

LO QUE EL VIENTO ESFUMO Este amanecer me despertó un sueño de un recuerdo de casi 40 años. Tenía los ojos llenos de lágrimas y una sensación de pérdida de tiempos ya idos, como escenas que se difuminan en una bruma densa y desaparecen. Eran compañeros del Preuniversitario. Con sus uniformes de


     Este amanecer me despertó un sueño de un recuerdo de casi 40 años. Tenía los ojos llenos de lágrimas y una sensación  de pérdida de tiempos ya idos, como escenas que se difuminan en una bruma densa y desaparecen. Eran compañeros del Preuniversitario.
   Con sus uniformes de faldas azules y las cintas que le adherían según el año, desfilaban chicas y chicos tal como eran en su juventud.
   Yo me encontraba en los escalones del Pre y veía como caminaban algunas de las amigas y amigos que caminaban hacia la bruma y se esfumaban.
   Pude identificar a Arlen o Carlota mi bella amiga en cuyo balcón de su casa discutíamos sobre Freud y Heminguey, a la Cisneros con su eterna madre vigilante- alta con piernas adorables-a Margarita, a Izet,  discreta e inteligente, a Laila la loca, a Nelly Fernandez Mafú con su rostro bello  hieriático a quien yo amaba en silencio,  a Mechi,  a mi amigo Loforte, mi otro socio Philip, negro y alto, a los Pilotos varones y a otros más.
   Después me puse a reflexionar sobre el sueño. Era la escena de nuestra juventud gloriosa ida para siempre. De nuestra mejor etapa de vida en que la existencia nos parecía un césped donde revolcándonos entre flores llenos de felicidad.
  Ahora esos tiempos quedan en el recuerdo. Diseminados por el mundo mis compañeros sufren aun el desgarramiento del exilio aunque ya se hayan asentado con sus familias en nuevas tierras.
  Por eso lloraba. Por los tiempos idos que me arrastraban a un pasado glorioso que el viento  se llevó.
  Eramos tan felices y no nos dabamos cuenta.

                           DR   ORLAND VICENTE ÁLVAREZ


mas en



    Raul Castro, in an interview with government media, said that what is most strange are cockfighting and scavenging by scavenger birds on his private ranch in realengo 18  in the mountains of Guantánamo. It cost him more than Fidel to stop smoking.
   Now the power has gone to his head. He wants to be remembered more than Fidel. And that they walk it by all the island until the Great Stone, decorating the stone with a thought:, "Here lies the second brother of Fidel but the one that had more balls"
   They had spent decades humiliated and even said "dad" to Fidel in a speech. But now his revenge arrives like the ancient pharaohs. He wants to be buried with his living lover and a bowl of water so that she dies of starvation.
   And poor Vilma Espin is left alone in the pantheon of the FAR.-the woman ate his legs and arms so corrupted  that she died soon-

   Nothing, that the guy in his senile dementia has gone up the smoke and leaves an heir who will follow his same steps without changing anything.
                                                                            DR ORLANDO VICENTE ALVAREZ
cuban uruguayen

Thursday, October 24, 2019

cuba, FAR, MININT And that I felt in the first hand when I visited Cuba. Even distant relatives, friends, faculty members who held a position in some of the aforementioned institutions avoided minimal contact with dissident Cubans or in exile, as if they were going to get a new plague.


   Es notorio como la dirigencia más alta del régimen prohíbe a los oficiales de las FAR y el MININT a socializar con los turistas  extranjeros, sobre todo si son cubanos del exilio.
  Y eso lo palpe en primera  mano cuando fui a Cuba de visita. Aun los parientes lejanos, amigos, compañeros de facultad que tenían un cargo en algunas de las instituciones mencionadas evitaban el mínimo contacto con cubanos disidentes o del exilio, como si fueran a contagiarse con una peste nueva.
   Siguiendo instrucciones seguro de sus superiores se alejaban de otros ciudadanos que eran  tan cubanos como ellos. Detrás de ello, pienso yo, estaba el temor de las altas esferas  de algún Diversionismo ideológico o que revelaran secretos sin darse cuenta o por desligamiento que les habían inculcado que todos, pueblo de adentro y de afuera, somos uno solo.
  Además me enteré que tienen tiendas especiales donde les venden todo tipo de artículos y alimentos que solo están en los shopping área dólar. Les dan vacaciones en hoteles lejanos con toda la familia para que no sientan necesidades como el resto del pueblo, miserable y hambriento, que espera una visita de algún pariente del exterior.
  Es una segregación más entre los militares y el pueblo que les trae los dólares que luego hipócritamente manejan las altas esferas militares de las FAR o del MININT.
   Los traidores ahora son trae- dólares. Así mantienen su estatus y están dispuestos desde su comodidad a reprimir toda manifestación de disidencia o de descontento del pueblo.

   ¿Cuándo todos seremos un mismo pueblo?   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

MOTHER MAMA GLORIA. MY HEROINE ·#glaucoma, #blind, #colicos, #cuba, #cuban coffe, #cuban pizzeria, #diabetes mellitus, #guantanamo, #mom punta del este, #river guaso, #uruguay



   I had the prohibition of Cuba not visiting my relatives for 17 years.

  I called Mama Gloria by phone every month.

  - How do you feel, mom?

  - Barbara, son. And you. How are you doing?

  - Macanudo, missing you a lot ...

   - Oh, son. Here there is no coffee, no oil, no fresh bread, no flour. Castro has taken everything away from us.

    She said with humor. And I warned:

   -Mom! look that Security of State can you hear! ...

  - I'm old to be afraid of that party of snitches ... Now they are selling us red pea ... They say that they cultivate them secretly in the red lands of Baracoa.

   -Okay, Mom. But ... What's new?

   - Good. You know that my only condition is that I'm blind ... Your cousin M... died ... of intestinal cancer and your other cousin Fe ... of lung cancer for smoking like a coffee pot. But life goes on, son, we all go to the hollow sooner or later. I speak to God directly and I do not trust the priests anymore. Sometimes I give him a scandal in silence or I apologize, that according to the evil or good that surrounds us.

  Mother had suffered the loss of two grown children and my father. She cried at times but said it was the will of the highest and continued with her good humor and joy.

     Between my brother and I, we brought her to Uruguay with my youngest brother who had stayed in Cuba. Great emotion to see them I felt after so many years.

  -Let's go. No crying Here I am whole and happy to see you both.

  We hosted them in the house of my brother and my Uruguayan sister-in-law in front of the beach with the freshness of the sea and the spicy sun of the first days of autumn. Here in this "fashion" area the houses have no number but they have a sign in front that says "The jasmine" or "The eucalyptus" and my brother who had already had many years in Punta named the house, painted on a ornamental stone "Casa Gloria" in honor of Mama.

  My little brother told me:

  -She says she sees nothing, that she is blind, but she said goodbye to the woman who took care of her and she cleaned the sidewalk with her broom and saw the 8 pm novel in Cuba.
   The family watched her and said:
  - Grandmother, but you see something.
  - Yes. But I see everything as between a cloud.
   -So, how do you see the dust in the corridor?
  - Do not ask. No more question. And the novel I do not see ... I hear it.
  The first time we took her to a large supermarket she said:

   -But what a big store! Are not lost among so many shelves? Are there guides here?

   We show you all the shopping by walking among the gondolas full of articles and food.

  - The Virgin Mary! But how many things that do not need. I have a piece of meat, a plate of beans with rice, I'm satisfied. Ahh. Are those chorizos?

   -Yes, mom, of all tastes and sizes- my brother said.

   "Well, you my sons buy me  some ... that Castro destroyed them and my Galician family and my late mother prepared them in the patio of the house on the edge of the river Guaso and I got used to eating them, I have a craving for chorizos.

  A few days later a Galician cousin of my mother made a lunch in her honor at the hotel of which she was the owner.

  The table was full of succulent delicacies. Mama without asking permission grabbed a quarter of roasted chicken and ate it with her hands without ceremony. Then a plate of roast pork with vegetables was served. She was taking it out of the past when the dictatorship had deprived her of those foods.

   I only ate roast pork and some vegetables because my diabetes had already been discovered and I was under treatment with oral hypoglycaemic agents. I had not said anything to Mom.

  The hotel baker had made a peach pie or peaches and a lot of meringue. I could not resist the temptation and I ate a good piece. Suddenly it gave me urgent wishes to go to the bathroom. On the way I found the confectioner who had glaucoma, a bulging eye and looking away as opposed to the otherwise healthy eye. Also my little brother who was going to the bathroom.

  Then the unexpected happened, a resounding gas rumbled in space and I ran to the toilet.

   Later my little brother, who had witnessed my situation with the baker, told me:

   - Compay, throw yourself a gas that the woman straightened her eye and got stuck inside!

  I laughed at his words. It was one of the jokes that we later commented on as a family and we all laughed, especially my mother.

    That night my mother was awakened by an intestinal colic from the filling that had occurred at the hotel lunch.

    I examined her.

    -It's an intake mom. You ate too much Your enzymes to digest so much unusual food have fallen asleep. Go now to the bathroom and evacuate.

  That's what my dear old woman did and then, relieved, she fell asleep next to my little brother like a girl.

     Mom did not like the cartridges packed or in blister of coffee that we bought them:

  -This is not coffee, very refined and glazed. I like coffee beans that in Cuba I toasted in a cauldron  with brown sugar. That was good coffee. Not this synthetic, be it Colombian or Brazilian. Nothing like a Cuban coffee cup.

   After two months of staying at my brother's house and listening to songs from Celia Cruz and Marco Antonio Solís under a parasol on the terrace, my mother had a missing for her house in Cuba and said she wanted to leave. My little brother who had opened a pizzeria next to home about a year ago was also worried about how the business was doing.

   And they left.

  When I called her days later on the phone she told me with humor:

   - There is no coffee, no oil, no rice, just pea of Baracoa.

    And I did not see her again until after 17 years they allowed me to visit my family.

   I love you so much old lady. She is heroine.

                                            Dr  Orlando Vicente Álvarez

see CLIK HEREño-guantanamero-Guantanamero-Cuba/dp/1520725884/ref=sr_1_18?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1542808723&sr=1-18&refinements=p_27%3AOrlando+Alvarez

Saturday, May 11, 2019