Friday, July 12, 2019



  It is easy to criticize the Castro Communism after we went into exile. The difficult thing was to have BALLS... when we were locked in the Castro hell. 

  For my part, I raised my voice in the hospital in defense of Human Rights and for that reason, denounced by a nursing assistant - Guillermina or something like that, I had to go to the police to explain. 

  The State Security official was a bunch without culture.We engaged in a discussion in a dispute over what was Heterodoxy and Orthodoxy, terms that he himself did not know. 

  Thanks to the Catholic Church that he knew that I was a lay militant. He let me go. Not without first warning me that if I spoke again about human rights another rooster would sing.

   I respect the Cuban exile who remains silent, without criticism or a note against communism. Of course, there have been so many years of fear in Cuba that they remain silent, lest they be denied entry to Cuba to see a loved one they left behind or simply because they educate their children by removing all reference to their Cuban roots. Even Spanish is forbidden. Your grandchildren will cry for that little bug they carry inside and the Cuban culture will emerge, there is no escape, you are Cuban for 5 generations and you will ask about that little island to your grandparents who believed they had already extinguished you. And the questions will come.

  Divide et impera, a phrase of dubious origin attributed to the Roman emperor and dictator Julio César, summarizes the strategy with which the rulers of our nation and those who aspire to be are directing and encouraging us. His plan is to indispose us against each other. They achieve their goal by confronting different groups, or throwing society in general on top of a particular group.Its objective is for citizens to raise their accusing finger against each other, even becoming a human pack to hunt for the politicians to indicate. With this they try to divert our attention from the cloud of misery and rot that surrounds them.

   All in order to prevent the governed from pointing them out and expelling them, because of their demonstrated ineptitude and ineffectiveness, from their comfortable armchairs.

  Some doctors even fear that State Security - that diabolical machine - do not communicate with me. But in spite of everything I have 188,678 visits to my blogs, even from Nigeria.

  The Cuban government saw what the Internet would mean for Cubans, a greater freedom of information and to know a world that was previously unknown. 

   Already Diaz-Canel said time ago that the battle for ideas in cyberspace would be the main objective in the future.So he installed the Internet - to access Facebook - to the olive tree worms in the first place before ETESA consolidated. to the Presidents of the block committees, MININT officers, to members of the Communist Party-or to the climbers like the director of the hospital where I worked who was offered a higher position within the communist organization-all before the thing was it would generalize to the simple people, but that they had CUC to finance the interconnection that later was more expensive than food or clothing.

 The battle of ideas began online. And Diaz-Canel promised in his first tweet that he would read the complaints of the subjugated people. None of that happened. His tweets are simple propaganda for Castroism, Chavez, Daniel Ortega and finally, the indefensible: Nicolás Maduro. And to make a treacherous list of those who tweeted him.

   Now he says that Cuba "does not have military troops in Venezuela" but it does have officials who are going to carry the "Cultura inside" which is the same.

  I identified from the beginning on Facebook those who had Internet of the first diazepam agents-and I also send the link of my last blog to read how political satire and humor are also a weapon of struggle. Something will make them reflect.

  Meanwhile, since they do not let me into Cuba-another way to violate my human rights-I send a pair of flip-flops to Mama, or some shorts, dollars to my son with Juanita or Sultanita who, always silent, do let them in.

    Cuba price to pay for making my satires and Cuban humor stories that hurt the regime, without which I can do anything. I live in a democratic country where you can speak badly or of the same president without anyone chasing you.

  And the Cuban people do not take it from us, it is rooted in our chest, like that of our José Martí, who fought to die for a free pen and a country without tyranny.

  Do not be afraid. A drop of sand fills the glass.

   Our zigzagging paths to freedom are terrible and exhausting. But our children and grandchildren will enjoy a free Cuba one day

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