Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Exiling Cubans to the United States via Managua, then indirectly sterilizing them from their properties on the island and maintaining the family dependency for sending remittances, received by the PCC, using airline #Conviasa


Exiliar cubanos aEEUU vía Managua, luego indirectamente esterilizarlos de sus propiedades en la isla y mantener la dependencia familiar para el envío de remesas, recibidas por el PCC, usando aerolínea #Conviasa, es la especialidad de y el régimen de VZ.
Translated from Spanish by
Exiling Cubans to the United States via Managua, then indirectly sterilizing them from their properties on the island and maintaining the family dependency for sending remittances, received by the PCC, using airline #Conviasa , is the specialty of and the VZ regime.

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