Saturday, June 26, 2021

Here in Uruguay the vote of the primary elections was voluntary. And I, one block from the beach, where my electoral college was and with a cold that only lacked that refrigerator, I went to exercise my civic duty without any pressure or anything like that. In Cuba, the figures of 90% and peak participation% are not surprising. And is it socialist democracy?


Here in Uruguay the vote of the primary elections was voluntary. And I, one block from the beach, where my electoral college was and with a cold that only lacked that refrigerator, I went to exercise my civic duty without any pressure or anything like that. In Cuba, the figures of 90% and peak participation% are not surprising. And is it socialist democracy?

  Cuba is no longer the tick that sucked the blood to the URRS and sold oil in international waters to the highest bidder to finance the guerrillas in Latin America and the wars in Angola. It became a mono sugar producer for the countries of the CAME, and did not take advantage of the artificial bonanza to invest in other products of greater added value to export, thinking that Socialism would be eternal as the Commander in Chief conceived it.


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