Friday, November 8, 2019

Four years ago my daughter and I traveled to Cuba. After 17 years of exile, I was not allowed to enter my country until Raúl Castro relaxed the laws. The hope of a change was renewed. We must see how time and distance alter our perception of things, of the places where we lived, plaied and, above all, the emblematic sites of our city. Everything seems smaller than we imagined it. Until our natal house. The rooms seemed to shrink over time even if they kept the same furniture and the same paintings.

Four years ago my daughter and I traveled to Cuba. After 17 years of exile, I was not allowed to enter my country until Raúl Castro relaxed the laws. The hope of a change was renewed.

  We must see how time and distance alter our perception of things, of the places where we lived, plaied and, above all, the emblematic sites of our city. Everything seems smaller than we imagined it. Until our natal house. The rooms seemed to shrink over time even if they kept the same furniture and the same paintings.



 Image result for parque jose marti


  Hace 4 años mi hija y yo viajamos a Cuba. Yo, después de 17 años de exilio no me dejaban entrar a mi país hasta que Raúl Castro flexibilizó las leyes. Renacía la esperanza  de un cambio.

  Hay que ver como el tiempo y la distancia alteran nuestra percepción de las cosas, de los lugares donde vivimos, jugamos y sobre todo, los sitios emblemáticos de nuestra ciudad. Todo parece más chico de cómo lo imaginamos. Hasta nuestra casa natal. Las habitaciones parecían achicarse con el tiempo aunque conservaran los mismos muebles e iguales cuadros


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