Tuesday, July 2, 2024

THE PERFECT IDIOTIC DINOSAUR 1. He eats the curve in the Bolivia case and criticizes me for not declaring immediately


Javier Milei @JMilei EL PERFECTO DINOSAURIO IDIOTA 1. Se come la curva en el caso Bolivia y me critica por no declarar de modo inmediato; 2. Se conoce el fraude montado en Bolivia y el perfecto idiota, en lugar de aceptar su error me critica por dejar su estupidez a la vista; 3. Luego de las agresiones de Lula (en especial su fuerte interferencia en la campaña electoral y apoyo sólido a la campaña más sucia de la historia) se queja porque le respondo con verdad (ha estado preso por corrupción y es comunista)... Así son estos idiotas exaltadores de las formas por carecer de contenido y que además son esclavos del sobre, lo cual los hace ser funcionales a los gobiernos corruptos... Si hubiéramos hecho las cosas como éste gran dinosaurio idiota decía, LLA hubiera perdido. No le hicimos caso y ganamos y como no puede asimilar su error, entonces ensucia desde el armado de una crítica políticamente correcta. Son parte del fracaso argentino... VLLC !!! Translated from Spanish by 

THE PERFECT IDIOTIC DINOSAUR 1. He eats the curve in the Bolivia case and criticizes me for not declaring immediately; 2. The fraud mounted in Bolivia is known and the perfect idiot, instead of accepting his mistake, criticizes me for leaving his stupidity visible; 3. After Lula's attacks (especially his strong interference in the electoral campaign and solid support for the dirtiest campaign in history) he complains because I answer him truthfully (he has been imprisoned for corruption and is a communist)... These idiots exalt forms because they lack content and are also slaves to the envelope, which makes them functional for corrupt governments... If we had done things like this big idiot dinosaur said, LLA would have lost. We didn't pay attention to him and we won and since he can't assimilate his mistake, he makes a mess by creating a politically correct criticism. They are part of the Argentine failure... VLLC!!!

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